man with at least normal pos sibilities for a good citizen. The second action was brought on by an "eccentric", Johan van der Steur, who as a volunteer preacher for the Seventh Day Baptists in the town of Haarlem learned to know about the bitter plights of the veterans of the Dutch East Indies Army. Investigat ing the cause of the sorrows of these soldiers he came to Harderwijk, from where young recruits departed for the colonies. Here he found the start of "Het Indische Vreem delingen Legioen" (The Dutch Foreign Legion)for just like its famous counterpart in France, the army of Dutch sol diers for the East existed of volunteers from all Europe: adventurers and unemployed, noblemen who had to fly after a duel, etc. etc. Following these soldiers again to the D.E. Indies he came to Magelang and came to know about the Indo pariahs. Johan set to work at once. He took the poor kids from the streets into his house and was a father to them. Of course there came no end to this work but Johan persisted, begging everywhere for money, for food, for clothes, for beds and for a good education. As Pa (Dad) van der Steur he be came more or less a legend. The conscience of the Dutch society stirred. More social work elsewhere was done, bet ter governmental actions were taken Slowly the Dutch society in Indonesia awakened and soon the first big social movementsthe Indische Par tij the Vereniging Insulin- de, the I.E.V. came into being. But also the Indonesian people awakened. In the last years of the former century and in the first years of this century the Budi Utomo, the Sarekat Islam, the Taman Siswo woke up. In our next chapter, this "Modern History of the Indo" will be discussed. JOHN F. KENNEDY Vlak voor het uitgeven van dit nummer bereikte ons de ontzettende tijding van de moord op President Ken nedy. We weten zeker dat de hele Indische groep diep geschokt is en meeleeft met de rouw in de familie der Kennedys en in deze natie. KERST-EXPOSITIE IN HOLLYWOOD O Van 13-21 Dec.a.s. zal in het Brandall Park, Hollywood Blvd., L.A. een internation ale Kerst-expositie worden gehouden waaraan door alle Kerstfeestvierende landen wordt deelgenomen. Ook de Dutch-Indonesian group is voor deelname uitgenodigd. Er zal ook een show-program ma zijn. De expositie is geopend van 1-10 p.m.

Moesson Digitaal Tijdschriftenarchief

American Tong Tong | 1963 | | pagina 4