J The American THE INDO-EUROPEAN LEAGUE Spotlight on Dutch-Indonesian History (XXII In the preceding chapter a survey was given of the several organizations in the Dutch East Indies around the year 1915: the Budi Utomo, the Sarekat Islam, the Muham- madyah, the Indische Bond, the vereniging Insulinde and the Indische Partij The first three were purely Indonesian; the second three had Indonesian as well as Dutch members. (continued from first page) Als U in Amerikaanse kringen vertelt dat U leefde als ""Tom Sawyer"/ zal men direct veel sympathie hebben voor U en Uw verleden. U heeft het veel gemakkelijker dan zoveel "grote boengs" die en de grondige kennis van Indie en kennis van het ontwikkelde Amerika missen om in kringen van Amerikaanse Grote Boengs welkom te zijn. Voor wie het nog niet weten: het bezit van een Impala sadja is nog geen kenmerk van standing The Only Independent Dutch-Indonesian Magazine in America Verschijnt de 15e en 30ste elke maand Samen met Tong-Tong (zeepost) Prijs: per nummer.50 per half jr5.00 per jaar $10 00 L£X£££>T| JNhÉHPJT - - - I/}£CACTIE— Lilian Ducelle Roy J. Stecvensz Tjalie Robinson Marijke Steevensz telf. 699-6837 relf. 693-5659 P. O. Box 137, Whittier, Cal., 90608 All these organizations only worked for improvement of social standards in the Dutch East Indies; there were no political aspiration s - yet! But slowly marxistic and socialistic influences creeped in (Semaun, Sneevliet Still no Dutch Organization existed, as the Dutch society lived divided and widely spr ead over all Indonesia. The number of pure white Dutch was very small and on top of that split u p by social barriers. White sold iers for instance were considered of such low status, that they were not admitted to the clubs of the better-off Dutch,and even the better restaurants were closed for them. The vast masses of Europeans of mixed par entage did not exist officially and even had no name to indicate their indentity. Then a journalist, Karei Zaalberg, editor of the "Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad", started a rally to bring all these citizens of Europeo- an-lndonesian parentage together and the Indo-European League Indo-Europpes ver bond was founded, the indentity of their members carefully defined and given a name Indo-Europeans are: A. All persons of European blood living in the Dutch East Indies, and their descendants, on the understanding that the first persons referred to are born in the D.E. Indies. B. All persons of European blood, hav ing children born in the D.E. Indies or are married to Indo-Europeans formulated in A. Often to the Indo-Europeans is referred as Eurasians with a special name. This is not correct. Eurasians, living in the English colonies, are of English and mixed Asian parentage. Indo-Europeans are from mixed European and only Indonesian paren tage. Furthermore Eurasians only lived (and still live) as a uncertain group not official ly recognized. The Indo-Europeans however,

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American Tong Tong | 1964 | | pagina 2