De stille kracht van koloniale meubelen... (Advertentie) GELD VOOR NIEUWE MEUBELS? bij Setiakawan can now see on T.V. You no longer even have to use your imagination and that, I think, is a great loss. Partly through the radio the world got to know jazz, the music of America that found its way all over the world. Jazz started in the South and often New Orleans is mentioned as its cradle, and in the Twenties Chicago had become a jazz center, as had New York City. Jazz consists of a lot of improvisations and its rhythms are irresistible. Black and white musicians played the music and Benny Goodman, for instance, who heard Louis Armstrong and others play, had a good ear for it and later be came the King of Swing, swing being a form of jazz also. Back in the Fifties we used to go to Gaillard, on the Laan van Meerder- voort in The Hague, and just listen to the Dutch Swing College Band play Dixieland jazz. New Orleans jazz, un der the direction of Peter Schilperoort. They were very good. I have a brother who is such a fan of the DSC, that he has just about every record they ever made. It is happy music, toe-tapping music. Charles A. Lindbergh There was, however, more to this deca de than just gangsters, alcohol and jazz. A young man, Charles A. Lind bergh crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone in a small plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, leaving Roosevelt Field on Long Island on May 20, 1927 and landing at Le Bourget Field in Paris on May 21 He had flown 3.600 miles in 33 hours and 30 minutes. Nobody had done anything like it before in the history of aviation. Later his first-born was kidnapped. He and his wife lived in Hopewell (New Jersey) then. It so happened that I got to know a carpenter who worked for the Lindberghs at the time his small son was abducted and he told me that he saw a ladder under the ba by's window the next day. The kidnap per was caught, and although he main tained his innocence, he was brought to trial, convicted, and died years later in the electric chair in New Jersey. If memory serves me, his name was Bruno Hauptmann. The Twenties were drawing to a close but not before the stock market cras hed on what became known as Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 and then nosedived on October 29. Many people lost all their money, many people jumped out of windows to their death, committing suicide because they could no longer meet their financial obliga tions. It must have been utter chaos. The crash of the stock market would have very far-reaching consequences, not only for America, but for the who le world. The decade had begun so full of promises after the end of the Great War. My parents had stories about great prosperity, especially among the planters in Indonesia, the men who worked for sugar, tobacco, coffee, or - best of all - rubber estates. They said it was not unusual to see them light their cigars with bills of anywhere be tween ten and hundred guilders. They made that much money and money then meant so little. My parents were married in 1928. They had been full of confidence in a future that surely would be rosy, it was what they expected and it was what the rest of the world expected. The Roaring Twenties this decade was cal led in America. Nothing seemed to be able to stop it, but even if the decade had started off with a bang, it ended with a whimper. And given what had happened on October 29, 1929, what would the Thirties have in store for the world; H. v. Olphen Al meer dan 40 jaar het adres voor de enige echte Indische saucijsjes Tevens in ons assortiment Babat Faroe - Limpa oetak De Groenteman H. v. Olphen, Haverkamp 222, 2592 BM Den Haag, tel. 070 - 383 96 99. V.a. Centr. station bereikb. met bus 4 of tram 6. Wat zijn ze mooi, die oude koloniale meubelen! Bij Kampong Antik in Laren lean men ze zien. De oude teakhouten meubelen zijn niet te kopiëren omdat je teakbomen die voor de fabricage nodig zijn, simpelweg niet meer mag kappen. Het oude teakhout - wat hier en daar nog bewaard wordt voor restauratie van oude meubelen - is nu een vermogen waard in Indonesië. Het merendeel van het assortiment van Kampong Antik bestaat uit originele, gerestaureerde meubelstukken. Daarnaast voert Kampong Antik voor een klein deel repro antiek, gemaakt naar origineel koloniaal model. Ook het bedrijfsleven zoekt blijkbaar als tegenhanger van de dynamiek en de snelheid van de huidige maatschappij, een stuk rust in de werkomgeving, want Kampong Antik heeft al regelmatig met een koloniale inrichting in warm teakhout, menig ontvangst-, directiekamer en zelfs bedrijfskantine mogen inrichten. Voor de lezers van Moesson heeft Kampong Antiek een aantrekkelijke, speciale aanbieding! (Zie onze advertentie elders in dit blad). 35 BIJ ONS ZIT U GOED! Bel gerust Setiakawan. Wij zijn tot 22.00 uur bereikbaar. (078) 618 08 66. I j. 't k^' Source: Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia (Advertentie) (Ingezonden mededeling) 43ste jaargang - nummer 4 - oktober I 998

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