faot +t<ztauiCij& HOLLIN DA! 3 Spotlight on Dutch-Indonesian History (II) A general view on the Far East about 1600 Now before probing further in the history of the Dutch-Indonesians, we must always bear in mind that the written history of the Europeans in the Far East is incomplete, often incorrect and very complicated. English, Portugese, Spanish and Dutch discoverers and traders were fighting each other incessantly, each writing his own "history", which was often exaggerated and incorrect. Up to now hundreds of historians are still trying to build up a reliable history of the Far East by comparing all available documents, and cutting down to size historical "facts" of a strong chauvinistic nature. It was this chauvinistic nature of written The "conquest of the Far East" was in history that built up the idea of white su- fact only the establishment of a few strong- periority for many centuries to come. And has in many ways nothing to do with real superiority indeed. In those days most of the Eastern civilizations were in decline after years of indisputable culture and power. Like in Greece and Rome internal wars tore down Java and Japan. Like the Spanish Armada of enormous ships was destroyed by a fleet of tiny Dutch ships, Javanese fleets with in those days the biggest ships of the Far East were destroyed by much smaller Portugese warriors. Japan was the first nation to restore national disorder. In the big battle of Sekigahara (Oct. 20, 1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu got the absolute mastery of Japan, restored order, and Japan began to grow again. And three centuries later already Japan was powerful enough to beat China and Russia, and again half a century later it could attack the combined forces of America, and the United Kingdom and master the entire Pacific and Far East. Even after losing this battle, Japan is still a strong country with a world trade and a great influence on culture the world over. We may understand now why the Indo nesians kept fighting for unity. It is only unity that gives a people the greatest powers. It is dis-unity that breaks down peoples and groups to worthless beggars. It is the same story over and over again through all centuries: peoples coming up by unity and going down by disunity. After some time the Portugese and Spaniards went down and the English and Dutch came up. The upcoming of the Dutch was remarkable indeed. Starting with a bunch of fighting communities, the Seven Provinces came to forming a strong unity, driving an upper mighty Spain away in the 80 Years War and carrying its new flag: orange-white-light blue (later for nautical reasons red-white-blue) to all continents of the world. Around this year, 1600, Europe was a poor mess indeed. In all countries savage wars were carried for political or religious causes. From our school days we remember Wars for Succession, the 30 Years War in Germany, Cromwell, the 80 Years War. Of course many prefer to speak about the fine things of civilization in those days. About Rembrandt and \Tondel and Hugo de Groot, but we must not forget that in those days also every city had its gallow-fields, its tor ture chambers, that witches and priests were burned, that the discovery of gun powder was mightier than the discovery of printing. There was very much oppression. Many people fled and came to America to found a new free people and nation. All these wars however also made skilful warriors. And when those came to a declin ing ar East, conquest was easy. So do not think brown or yellow people are inferior, they were temporarily inferior. Also do not exaggerate the savageness and cruelty of the Europeans in those days. They knew nothing better, as cruelty was a normal aspect in the Europe of 1600. The destroy ing of Banda by Jan Pietersz. Coen was cruel indeed by today's standards, but in those days killing^and beheading and burn ing were normal things. Not only in Europe, but the world over. When you read reports of the Java War two centuries later, you will be astonished by the "normal cruelties on both sides. holds for trade purposes (in Goa, Macao, Jacatra, etc.) without attacking, suppress ing or killing the original peoples. With those peoples a sound trade was accomp lished, bringing prosperity to all parties involved. Wars practically existed only between the traders. In fact Kings and Traders often hired pirates and soldiers of fortune to fight under their flag, not for national purposes, but for trade purposes only. Kings and Emperors in Europe those days did not bother much about things going on in the Far East. Trade Fleets came to Europe with enormous values: spices from Banda, silk from Spain, silver and "kraakporcelein" from Japan, etc., etc. Kings and emperors could use those riches for further establishing their already ab solute power. But it is easy to see that the traders and conquerors in the Far East slowly began to develop their own ideas about freedom and power. It is also under standable that little Flolland, always at tacked by the great powers and kings of Europe, was the first to think about new systems of governing peoples. Two names may never be forgotten in this field: Johannes Althusius and Hugo Grotius. Of the latter most of us know only that he "escaped in a bookcase", assisted herein by a sly housemaid. But nobody knows for what sake. Grotius was the man who wrote a treatise on the laws of war and peace, and laid the foundation for our modern system of international law. He also pleaded for religious tolerance and for a "Mare Liberum": the free seas. Althusius laid down for the first time in history the principles of democracy. In his "Politics Systematically Considered" (1609) he argues that "the State is a Common wealth which begins from the compact and is maintained for the general good." Ook hier kalendertijd! Het nieuwe jaar in zicht, dus: tijd voor een nieuwe kalender. Vergeet U onze unieke aanbieding niet: een Kunstkalender, Keu kenkalender (met recepten) en een Ver- jaarskalender ontworpen en samengesteld door Tong-Tong voor haar abonnees all over the world, tegen een speciale prijs. Voor niet-abonnees iets duurder. Maar bestel nu, stort NU een dollar (per exemplaar) vooruit om prompte aflevering te garanderen. Uw naam is genoteerd zodra we Uw cheque ontvangen hebben. Vul dus liever vandaag dan morgen deze coupon in Ondergetekende Naam Adres bestelt hierbij ex. Kunstkalender ex. Weekkalender (keukenkalender) ex. Verjaarskalender. en stuur naar The American Tong-Tong, 333 So. Newlin Ave., Whittier, Gal. Prijzen niet- abonnees abonnees Kunstkalender $1.75 $2.25 Keukenkalender 2.2.50 Verjaarskalender 1.50 2. Tezamen $4.50 $5.25 Up to then kings and emperors only reigned by subduing peoples, a citizen was practically a possession of the king. Foreign peoples were slaves. In the Far East that was not so: all those European traders and conquerors tried to live in peace with the Eastern peoples, because in the first place: only in peace, trade could prosper, and in the second place: they were so few in strange countries with millions, that it was a life necessity to maintain friendship. Power was established by treaties (tractaten). And under the changing flags of traders and kings the Eastern peoples very much remained unchanged, and built up new ideas of understanding and civilization. (To be continued Consulted authors a.o. Boxer and Preger. Kerst en Nieuwjaarswensen In de Ned. Tong-Tong wordt ieder jaar ruimte gemaakt voor het plaatsen van Kerst-en Nieuwjaarswensen. Van deze manier van gelukwensen wordt altijd graag gebruik gemaakt, want wat is prettiger dan het ontmoeten van bekende namen in een tijd dat wij veel met onze gedachten in de herinnering leven? Juist hier in het nieuwe vaderland zal deze behoefte groot zijn. 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American Tong Tong | 1962 | | pagina 3