imm wat zal ik O .frrrrqr:— - "i' !'«\S1 WHERE CAN WE LEARN FASTER? housewives and children know nothing about the "busy humming market places of ideas'1, these libraries are. And a source of continuous enlightment and education. In fact the tolerance of the U.S. towards other politics and religions, and the willingness to help people all over the world, is based on the most prominent function of the national libraries: "To provide and service materials for enlarging the mind and dispelling prejudice and ignorance'1. Lezenï The library where students and salesmen How many subscribers of Tong-Tong read this article? How many subscribers read the English articles in the Am. Tong-Tong? How many Dutch-Indonesian immi grants read English besides their daily news paper? How many Dutch-Indonesian immi grants are members of the local Public Library? One of the most outstanding and ad mirable aspects of the American Community is the Public Library, an institute based on the "hunger" of the average citizen for knowledge. The immigration of the Dutch- Indonesians in this country can only be called a succes, when a good percentage becomes regular visitors of the Library. The Library is often called "America's First University", because long before the average reader thinks of specialized edu cation on a higher level, he is educating himself positively according his talents by reading widely about all subject he is in terested in. For the members of the Amer ican Libraries, visiting their local library several times a week, is just a custom like fishing or sporting or movie-going for others. They start as early as in their 6th and even at 60 going to the library is a never failing joy. Whole families go together to the Library. Hundreds of thousands found in this library the key to a new way of life, went to school again and graduated in a field, where they served their family and the nation better. A month ago all over America the "Nation Library Week" was celebrated. When we know that all over the nation some 550 million books are borrowed yearly from about 8.000 libraries, we understand the importancy of this celebration. Foreigners often smirk at the "stone-hard" American salesman and his "stone-hard" dollar. They Nu Indonesia weer eens in de belang stelling staat van de Wereldpers en wij - immigrants in the U.S.A. indirect belang bij habben bij de stand van zaken, meen ik dat er wat meer vermeld moet staan in dese Boekenrubriek. Welaan dan, belangstellende lezers over Indonesia, er zijn boeken op de markt, geschreven door vreemden, door Ameri kaanse journalisten. Engelse geleerden, maar ook dames-touristen, tevens dagbladschrijf sters. Vlekke, Berbard - NUSANTARA, (nieuwe naam voor ons Insulinde, het betekent: archipel) 349 pp, 1959 $10.00, een oude editie 1943 kost $7.50 Wallace, Alfr. Russel, The Malay Archi pelago. De auteur beschrijft zijn in Borneo, dus over Orang LItans en or- chideëen $6.00 Being a member of the local library with my whole family, we found that visiting the library is a peculiar joy in itself. The aston ishing range of books available and the constant help of courteous and skilled librar ians make everybody feel "at home" in a very short time. For all the things you like at home, you find in this library in far wider ranges: science, mechanics, history, liter ature, but also cooking, fishing, sports, fash ions, gardening. I often come for only one and all who are searching for a new way of life, find a source of continuous enlight ment. book, intending to drop in for a minute, and find myself "devouring" a wide range of other interesting books for hours! I understand now why so many Amer icans spend their free Saturday in the always full library. Here a man lives really wide. Not with the limitations of the beach, the bowling alley or the family-party. For the kids are special small chairs and tables and scores of funny books, but also richly illustrated books about all sciences. Many a visitor comes in just to read "Look" or "Post" magazine, and ends up reading Philosophy or Modern Art. And he leaves a wiser and happier man. I am sure that Dutch-Indonesians soon will discover the Library too. Dutch-Indo nesians have always been known as studious people. Here they can find the entry to new studies abundantly and without any costs. And in this "fields of discovery" he will discover himself sooner and to greater advantage of his new country. T.R. Brackman, Arnold. Indonesian Communism, 385 pp. 1963. Dit is een "pioneer study of the oldest Communist Party in Asia" Bung Karno's Indonesia, Willard A. Hanna, 235 pp. 1960-$6.00 Cooley, Frank. Ambonese Adat-A general description, 94 pp. 5 pi. 1962 -$5.50 Herbert FEITH, The decline of Consti tutional Democracy in Indonesia, 618 pp. 1962. Beschrijving van de politieke toestand van Dec. 49 tot Maart 1957, daarna" geleide democratie" prijs $9.50 HEINE, GELDEREN, Robert. Prehistorie Research in the Netherl. Indies, 38 pp. 1945 met illustraties, $2.75 Lie Sek Hiang Indonesian Cookery 1963 $4.00 Kennedy, Raymond. Bibliography of Indo nesian peoples and cultures, 207 pp. 1962 HRAF series $7.50 Lewis. Reba Indonesia; Troubled Paradise, Illustrations maps 1962 $4.00 Meilink-Roelofsz M.A.P. Asian Trade and European Influence in the Indonesian Archipelago, between 1500 and about 1630 471 pp. $10.50 Merrick, Henriette Sands: Caucus race. A travelog on Java, Sumatra, India etc. 272 pp. 29 illustr. 1938 -$5.00 Meyer, D. H. Japan wint den oorlog Documenten over Java, 1946) $3.50 110 pp. 21 photographs Palmier, Leslie, Social Status and Power in Java 172 pp. 1960 An anthropological study of life in two small Javanese towns - $6.00 SCIDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah: JAVA, the garden of the East, 339 pp. 1898 $4.00 Selosemardjan. Social Changes in Joga- karta. 440 pp. 1962 $8.00 Sundstrom, Harold Walter: Garuda, intro ducing Indonesia an illustrated Hand book to the East Indies, 11 pp. 1962 $3.5 Ten slotte wil ik nog aanhalen: PLEIJTE. C. M. Indonesia Art, selected specimens of ancient and modern art handwork from the Dutch Indian archipelago 25 plates, the Hague 1901, rare and fine publication - $33.00 Bovenstaande lijst ontleende ik aan Amerikaanse publishers maar natuurlijk kunt U ook terecht bij de Ned. Uitg.Mijn. Zij die wat meer willen weten, dienen hun vragen in aan onderstaand adres. Het is een feit dat er nu in de USA veel belangstelling bestaat voor onze prestaties in het vroegere Ned. Indie en dat wij Dutch- Indonesians er een groot aandeel en hebben gehad, moet duidelijk (en dat hangt van ons af) verteld worden. U kunt alle boeken bij mij bestellen. Voor de enkele uitgaven van voor de oorlog moet ik echter eerst navraag doen. Vergeet niet Uw cheque bij te sluiten, voorkomt stagnatie! Enjoy reading, Folks! Jan B. van Steenbergen postbox 17.201 San Diego 17, Calif.

Moesson Digitaal Tijdschriftenarchief

American Tong Tong | 1963 | | pagina 3