Tanah Aer Kita de Soos Zoekt U naar geschikte vaeantie !ectui:r? Vier boekjes die er geknipt voor zijn: 11 JJ WAT MOET IK LEZEN? PEACE CORPS naar Indonesië ing'" ORIGIN 4 Njai Dasima door A. Th. Manusama. Een historische ze denroman van Bata via, waarin Njai Dasima het slacht offer van bedrog en misleiding is. De schoonste ..tri omf van de Indo detective door Ucee. Een gezellig speur- verhaal in de „Indi sche" wereld van de jaren twintig. De Piekerans van een Straatslijper door Tjalie Robin son. Dat boekje, waarop staat: „Wie dat lees is gek." Deze poc- ketuitgave is de 8ste druk, dat zegt genoeg Prijs $1.- per stuk Je-lah-;e-rot. Humor uit het oude Indie, de allerbeste verha len en moppen bij een gezameld door de lezers van Tong- Tong. Een boekje van U, voor U. Een prachtig fotoboek in het Engels van "ons" Indie 8,75 Het vervolg op de lijst van lezenswaar dige boeken over Indonesië: Kunst, J. Music in Java, its history, its Theory and its technique illutr. 2 vol. 1949, cloth -15.00 Lammers, H. J. De Physische van de bevolking van Oost Timor illustr. 1948 5.00 Lekkerkerker, C. Bali en Lomok. Over zicht der literatuur, omtrent deze Eilanden tot eind 1919 1920 (Uitg. Bali Instituut) 7.50 Marsden. W. Memoirs of a Malayan family, written by themselves 1830.. 10.00 Raffles, T. S. History of Java, second ed„ 2 vol. with atles, map of Java and 92 plates, 11 in color, together with Life of Raffles by his widow, 2 vol.—1830-44, all for60.00 Scheltema, J. F. Monumental Java, with many illustr. 19126.00 Schrieke, B. The effect of Western in fluence on native civilization in the Malay Archipelago, 19297.50 Sell, H. J. De schlimme Tod bei den Vólkern Indonesians 1955 10.00 Skeat, W. W. Malay Magic, being an Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Pen insula, illustr. 190017.50 Snouck, Hurgronje C. Het Gajoland en zijn bewoners illustr. 19035.00 Stutterheim, W. F. Pictorial History of Civilization in Java, 262 ill8.00 Van Eerde, J. C. De volken van Ned- erl. Indië, 2 vol. 407 illustr. 1920- 1921 12.50 Van Heekeren, H. B. The Stone Age of Indonesia, 47 plates, 19577.50 Van de Wall. V. T. De Nederl. Oud heden in de Molukken, 155 illustr. 1928 17.50 Wagner. F. A. Indonesian, Die Kunst eines inselreiches, 61 colorplates 1959 7.00 Wallace, A. R. The Malay Archipel ago. The Land of the Orang Utan and the Bird of Paradise, illustr. 2 vol. 1869 -----10.00 Wilken. G. A. Handleiding voor de vergelijkende Volkenkunde van Nederl. Indië, 1893 10.00 Winstedt, R. The Malays. A cultural History, illustr. 1950 4.00 de Zoete, Beryl W SPIES, Dance and Drama in Bali, illutr. vo. 1938.. 12.50 De lijst van boeken over Indonesië lijkt on uitputtelijk, het interessante ervan is, dat U dit is meer voor oudere lezers van Tong- Tongweer (in Uw tijd) heel bekende namen terugvindt en U wilt toch wel graag die boeken doorlezen die U weer brengen in de sfeer van weleer? Ik moet er echter wel de nadruk opleggen, deze lijst put ik uit catalogi van antiquari aatsboekhandelaren, dus vraag eerst aan of ze NOG WEL voorhanden zijn. Mijn be doeling is en dat hopen wij allemaal dat in een of ander Volkenkundig Museum in Amerika deze geschriften ter lezing worden aangeboden. Enjoy reading Folks! Jan B. van Steenbergen P. O. Box 17.201 San Diego 17 -C. Hoera! We hebben er een nichtje bij ze heet Gloria Jane Ave. Gefeliciteerd Tante Mien en Oom Hans Franz, Ronald, Donna Creutzburg Uit het Nieuwsbulletin uitgegeven door het Indonesisch Consulaat lazen we: President John F. Kennedy recently told a group of Peace Corps volunteers headed for Indonesia they are facing the greatest opportunity of their lives to serve people and the cause of peace. He gave a warm wel come to the 15 men and two women com prising the group and promised they would be equally well received by the President of Indonesia when they arrived there. They will teach physical education. Indonesian Ambassador to the United States Dr. Zairin Zain and seven Indonesian instructors, who helped train the Peace Corps volunteers at Iowa State University, were also personally greeted by President Kennedy. The President told the Americans they "couldn't imagine a more exciting or stimu lating place to be going than Indonesia. "It's a long way from the United States but it is the fifth largest country in the world and it is important for our two peoples to come to know and understand each other." All of the Peace Corps Volunteers are in their early twenties and all of them have physical education backgrounds. The Pres ident told them they will naturally express the basic idealism of United States citizens. He added: "You will express our desire that both nations remain free and independent." Later the Indonesian Embassy gave an informal luncheon for the young Americans. Ambassador Zain told them in an after- dinner talk: "I hope you will be a big suc cess. You will be, if you come to under stand our new country and our way of think- Dr. Zain explained that his country has its own distinctive way of thinking and its own philosophy which, he reminded, is often not in keeping with the image of the United States." "But if Americans realize that their country was young once and went through many stages," the ambassador continued, "then their understanding will begin to de velop." am born in Indonesia, but left that country as a baby. 1 was raised in Holland and America and feel no obligation whatso ever to Indonesia. Being Indisch" is com plete nonsense for everybody looking ahead." W. President Kennedy was not even born in Eire, nor his father and grandfather. Still hf feels very strong ties to the land of his origin. Hl is proud of it. He is not ashamed to meet his family, eventhough they are farmers and farmer's hands. Even more, when Kennedy's ancestors left Ireland, it did not exist as an independent nation, but as a suppressed colony of England. Still all Irish men are proud of their origin. And so are many here-born Greeks, Italians. Poles, Lith uanians, etc. etc. The greater part of cultural consciousness in America is strongly linked with heritage the same with the Armenians, Lebanese, Iraqui, Jews, who are American now). Being away from the country of origin is no point at all. And what is complete nonsense for one, is al1 the power and joy in the life of another. So do not scowl too easily. VOLGENDE SOOSDAG: 15 SEPTEMBER Jefferson Recreation Center Pasadena

Moesson Digitaal Tijdschriftenarchief

American Tong Tong | 1963 | | pagina 4