their meetings we learn much from them. We only talk with each other about how nice it was in Holland or Indonesia, but when it comes to offering something: a good lecture about our heritage, a really good dance (not that "rom mel" we are presenting usually), good music, we just fail. I understand why Mrs. Winkel does not like those "feestavondjes". They are often terribly boring for the elder people. You just cannot Vv>p and jump all night long, spend VAl your money on snacks and drinks and then go home emptier than ever. Why then do not we ourselves pre sent or make something good? Be cause we miss training. And trai ning should be brought up in small circles of people who are conscious of their heritage, learn more from each other and put together all scattered pieces of knowledge to one school of learning and crea ting. That is how other social groups in America do it, and that is what we ourselves should do. Therefore we should reorganize our clubs, not abolish them. I myself would be just a negative and worthless onlooker in any ^"^merican club, where members of fer Irish folksongs or Bulgarian dances or read French poetry and I could offer nothing of my own. That's why I am buying books now about Indonesia and studying eth nic arts and customs. I shall and must bring something original and educational to my American friends and I deplore the fact that I li ve in a very small town with no Dutch-Indonesian friends at all, ACHTERSTALLIG geraakt zonder dat U er erg in had? Stuur gauw een check van 5 (voor een half jaar) of 10 (voor een heel jaar) en wij fixen het in een wip voor U. I envy all those Dutch and Indo- Dutch, who live in communities with many friends and have the opportu nity to do something good together, but instead only feast or turn theii backs on their heritage for Americai friends and give them nothing at al" for their goodwill to receive us. We immigrants hear time and again from our American friends: "Never forget your home country and bring its values to life here in America!' That is indeed one of the richest ways of life of the American citizer And I am glad to state here that I get all information and education about my background from only one magazine:"The American Tong-Tong". Its monthly subscription dollar is the dollar that offers me most on my way to true American citizenship, which is a citizenship that takes and gives. Connie Willems DANKBARE BRIEFKAART Dit briefkaartje dient alleen om U te vertellen dat ik me rijker voel dan ooit tevoren hier in Ame rika sinds ik "Tempo Doeloe" van U kocht. De gesprekken in onze ken nisenkring zijn erdoor op een ander en beter niveau gekomen. Mijn Ame rikaanse vrienden zijn er dol op. Voor het eerst voel ik me trots dat ik een Indisch meisje ben. Fanny M. Otto 7

Moesson Digitaal Tijdschriftenarchief

American Tong Tong | 1964 | | pagina 5