Knowing Music, Making Music f ii - i s BESTELLING Ondergetekende naam: adres: postcode en plaats: Aantal Auteur en titel VanStockum Boekverkopers VENESTRAAT II 2511 AR DEN HAAG TEL.: 070-365 68 08 Bestellingen: Antwoordnummer 189 2501 VB Den Haag wenst de volgende boeken toegezonden te krijgen Prijs Bijdrage porto NL Betaalwijze Nederland: O bijgesloten ondertekende bank- of girocheque t.w.v. O ondergetekende machtigt VAN STOCKUM BOEKVERKOPERS het totaalbedrag éénmalig van haar/zijn bank- of girorekening af te schrijven, nr. Betaalwijze buitenland: O door machtiging via creditcard (nummer en vervaldatum vermelden): Voor buitenlandse bestellingen worden alle portokosten in rekening gebracht. Buitenlandse bestellingen richten aan: VAN STOCKUM BOEKVERKOPERS, Venestraat 11, 2511 AR Den Haag, Nederland. Datum: Handtekening: Surviving Indonesia's Gulag turn demands submission to one's superiors. Except he is fully aware that abuse of aut hority and a leader's responsi bility to the real rules of the game and to the initially agreed plan, requires a critical attitude towards leadership, which is self driven.' The Yayasan Kejuangan Panglima Besar Sudirman: 510 pag (paperback) prijs 105,30 Surviving Indonesia's Gulag A Western woman tells her story door Carmel Budiardjo Budiardjo. Her husband was arrested for alleged members hip of the Indonesian Com munist Party in 1965 and was in detention most of the time until his release in 1978. Carmel Budiardjo spent three years in detention (1968- 1971) without trial as a sus pected communist in Indonesia. Her account describes the suffering of her fellow political prisoners and her own experience of inter rogation and psychological torment. Her personal story is interwoven with a narrative of the political situation which led to her arrest, especially the events of 1965. Cassell: 313 pag. (paperback) prijs 46,45 ach to the nature of musical knowledge in performance. Taking the intricate collabora- ZWICHTEN VOOR PLICHTEN tive structure of gamelan as a point of departure, Knowing music, making music draws on recent work in cognitive science to lay the foundation for a comprehensive theory of musical competence and interaction. VROUWENARBEID IN INDONESIE nr. 22, december 1995) 25 pag. (paperback) 11,30 Fiona Dunlop, Indonesië (reisgids) 298 pag. (paperback) 39,90 Carmel Budiardjo (London, 1925) moved to Indonesia in 1952 after marrying Suwondo Knowing music, making music Javanese Gamelan and the theory of musical competence and interaction door Benjamin Brinner How do musicians know what they know? This ambitious study presents a new appro- The University of Chicago Press: 363 pag. (paperback) prijs 56,55 Zwichten voor plichten Vrouwenarbeid in Indonesië (Uit de INDOC-reeks: Mensenrechten in Indonesië Voor rekeninghouders in Nederland, zie Betaalwijze Nederland 4,50 Joop Morriën, Indonesië liet me nooit meer los. Vijftig jaar antikoloniale strijd 271 pag. (paperback) 26,50 Brigitte M. Holzner (ed.), Steps towards growth. Rural industrialization and socio economic change in East Java 312 pag. (paperback) 60,00 G.W.H. Davison and Chew Yen Fook, A photographic guide to birds of Borneo 144 pag. (paperback) 26,65 Bernard Arps (ed.), Performance in Java and Bali. Studies of narrative, theatre, music, and dance 244 pag. (paperback) ƒ48,15 Jutta Berninghausen, Ursula Cescau (e.a.), Zuhause wo der Pfeffer wachst 244 pag. (paperback) 56,15 45

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Moesson | 1996 | | pagina 45