Pradjnaparamita walked out on her proclaiming that 'he didn't give a damn'. Even though there was so much gloom, or perhaps because of it, movie theaters did a brisk business. Going to the movies was a perfect escape from reality. One of them, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, played in theaters for the first time in December 1937. Walt Disney, a talented young man, made this first full-length animated movie in color. One has to admire his work on this film which consisted of 250 thousand separate drawings. All these were done without the help of computers. People worked on these drawings, drew them one by one and I can remember the first time I saw it. I was totally enchanted by it, and so were many others, including grown-ups. I suppose that many of us have forgot ten that it was the Grimm brothers' fairy tale that gave us Snow White, because by now we mostly associate it with Walt Disney. Not so long ago we were at an Indo party where Snow White was brought to life in a short sketch. Our way. Just to give you an idea; the mirror was a man who stood against a wall with an empty picture frame thrown over his head so that it had come to rest on his shoulders. Now the Evil Queen - who thinks Snow White has been killed by the hunter - asks the 64 question: 'Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wan, ver tel mij, wie is de mooiste van het lan 1 And the mirror answers: 'Niet jij, jij ketjelik pitikl No need to tell you that the audience never stopped laughing. Snow White is immortal. Golden Gate Bridge Of course the Thirties were not all gloom and doom. Many good and las ting things occurred during this decade also. LIFE magazine was published for the first time in November 1936. It con sisted mainly of candid and original photographs with little text, the first magazine to do so. I remember waiting for it and eagerly looking at all the pictures when it came in our leestrommel. This was also the de cade when cars, planes, trains and even house hold appliances like mixers, vacuum clea ners and so on, beca me more streamlined in design and more pleasing to the eye. And in San Francisco, California, the Golden Gate Bridge was constructed. Construction started in 1933 and on May 28, 1937 it was opened to traffic. It still is as beautiful today as it was then and many people from all over the world traveled, and still travel, over its 4200 foot long main span. Now the Thirties were almost gone and in Europe, where in Germany Hitler was stirring up trouble, there were ominous signs of a possible outbreak of another war. Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, tried to avert a war by signing the Munich Agreement and he assured the Europeans that peace would prevail. But in spite of all the assurances there was great anxiety. Europe held its breath, and so did the U.S. There was every reason to feel that way, because at the end of the decade it had become clear that the good times would not return any time soon Mevrouw J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw was gespecialiseerd in de oude geschiedenis van Indonesië. En zij wist van de hoed en de rand. Toen ik bij haar tentamen wilde doen, moest ik ervoor naar Leiden, naar het Volken kundig Museum, waaraan zij verbonden was. Al lopende langs de vele Hindoe-Javaanse beelden, bevroeg zij mij over wat ik opgestoken had over de perioden en de stro mingen waarin die beelden ontstaan kon den zijn. En toen bracht zij mij naar een zo ongeloof lijk verfijnd en ver stild beeld van een op dubbel lotuskussen gezeten godin, dat ik sprakeloos bleef toen zij mij vroeg of ik het kende. Maar ik had het nooit eerder gezien en ik kon ook de versierselen en de handhoudingen niet duiden. Zij vertelde dat het de puntgave ver beelding is van Pradjnaparamita, godin van de opperste wijsheid. In 1819 was het door een Nederlandse bestuurs ambtenaar bij Singosari (bij Malang, Oost-Java) gevonden. Na wat omzwer vingen was het toen in het Leidse museum terechtgekomen. In haar han den draait zij, mediterend, het rad der eeuwigheid rond, waardoor zon en sterren om de aarde cirkelen, en waar door geboorten, bloeiperioden, doods- tijden en opnieuw geboorten immer blijven doorwentelen, een centrale wijsheid in het cyclische denken der Hindoes. Ik heb in dat museum herhaaldelijk het beeld terug willen zien maar het nooit weer gevonden. Helaas! Op de tentoonstelling 'Het goddelijk gezicht van Indonesië: meesterwerken der beeldhouwkunst 700- 1000' in 1992 zag ik echter de godin opeens terug, uit honderden beelden onmiskenbaar herkend! In de catalo gus las ik dat het beeld in 1978 als een gebaar van vriendschap aan Indonesië was teruggege ven. Indonesië leende het voor de Amsterdam se tentoonstelling weer bereidwillig uit. Pradjnaparamita, hun godin van de opperste wijsheid 35 Tekst: W.M. Ottow ,>JV r ">JV. ..•v. 43ste jaargang - nummer 7 - januari I 999

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Moesson | 1999 | | pagina 35