The Sumatra railroad Henk Hovinga Final destination Pakan Baroe, 1943-1945 This work is first and foremost a posthumous tribute to the thousands of slave workers who lost their lives for the Pakan Baroe Railroad. At the same time, it is a homage to the survivors, for whom the war traumas would never end. KITLV Press Leiden, 2010 392 pp. Hardcover, illustrated, incl. colour ISBN: 978 90 6718 340 6 Price: 34,90 This is the gripping historical tragedy of the 220 km railroad that bored its way through the hot, humid Sumatran jungle during World War II. The railway was commissioned by Japan and built with the blood and tears of Allied prisoners of war and press-ganged Javanese romushas. Henk Hovinga interviewed nearly one hundred former railroad workers and did painstaking archi val research. The result is a moving book, richly illustrated with numerous authentic drawings of life in the internment camps, charts and photo graphs. The original Dutch version of The Sumatra Rail road has become the standard work on the crime of the Japanese railroad construction in Indonesia. Unfortunately this indescribable human catastrop he has always been overshadowed by the drama of the notorious Birma Railroad. Reuvensplaats 2,2311 BE Leiden Postbus 9515, 2300 RA Leiden tel. +31 (0)71 527 2372, fax+31 (0)71-527 2638 E-mail: KITLV/Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde te Leiden is opgericht in 1851KITLV is een instituut van de KNAW/Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen Moesson#4oktober 2010.indd 22 220-09-10 19:05

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